There is a lot going on around the club whilst we await the start of season 21/22. We are keen to update you on a number of areas.


Building Work/Ground Improvements

Work has been continuing on both the new Community Hub and around Buffs Park as we head towards improving the club facilities. If you are able to lend a hand to complete the following tasks, we would greatly appreciate anyone who can volunteer their time

  1. Outside Cladding and sheeting installed
  2. Wet wall ceilings installed
  3. Roofing to be completed
  4. Flooring to be laid
  5. Electrical Work ongoing
  6. General clear out of Main Room
  7. Paths down to stand
  8. Dugouts completed
  9. Pitch side barriers installed
  10. Sponsor Boards installed
  11. Bar install completed
  12. Heating and plumbing installed

Commercial Manager Colin Evans has been overseeing the project and had this to say,

 “We shall be busy over the next few weeks and I am asking for one big push from fans and volunteers to get us over the line. We can then enjoy the football in a great, new ground. COYB”

If you have any skills in joinery, electrical, plumbing, painting or want to help with general labouring, please get in touch.


Club AGM

Invites to the Club AGM have been sent out to all paying foundation members. The AGM will take place on Monday 5th of July in the new Community Hub, providing Scottish Government guidance allows us to hold a socially distanced event. If you have not recieved your invite please email


Fan Attendance

Our pre-season schedule kicks off on Monday 14th of June vs Whitletts Victoria, followed by Irvine Vice on Wednesday 16th of June, both kicking off at 7.45pm. Due to Scottish Government guidance, these matches will require to be ticketed events. Ticket links will be sent to paying Foundation members on Monday 7th of  June and will have 2 days Priority Access before General Access is provided on Wednesday 9th of June. It is hoped this will only be a temporary measure but we are determined to have fans in the ground therefore, we must follow the current guidelines. We know you are all desperate to return to Buffs Park so we hope you can understand that we have to follow the current guidelines to make sure you can enjoy football in the terraces.


Buffs Foundation

We recently surpassed 50 members across both the Standard and Legacy Tiers. This support is incredible and will go a long way to help support the team both on and off the park.  One of the benefits of joining The Buffs Foundation will be access to all league matches. This starts from £10 per month and you can sign up here


